PUMA PRESS – School News & Information: March 28, 2025
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PUMA PRESS – School News & Information: March 28, 2025 Important Dates- March 31st - Eid- al- Fitr, Student Holiday
Is there a staff member who has gone above and beyond for your child or family? Share your story on FCPS Cares and let them know they're making a difference!
Every Day Counts at Powell ES!To ensure transparency and celebrate our progress, we will be sharing weekly attendance data in our newsletter. By highlighting this important information, we aim to keep our families informed and energized about our collective efforts to reduce absenteeism and prevent students from becoming chronically absent.
Chronic absenteeism is when a student has missed 10% or more of the school days in the school year. This includes all absences, regardless of whether they are excused and unexcused. Research shows that students who are chronically absent are at higher risk of falling behind and dropping out of school.
We care deeply about all of our students and aim for success for each student. Our partnership to support regular school attendance is critical to that success. Please follow the health policy and send your children to school every day.
March 28th Attendance Update: K-6- Number of students present EVERY DAY: 68 – That’s 7.9%
- Number of students NOT currently chronically absent: 776 – That’s 90%
- Number of students currently chronically absent (missed 10% of the school days so far this year): 83
- Number of unexcused & travel related absences: 1,185
Check out this week’s YOUseum! Gus and Maggie (1st grade) are showcasing something that makes their family unique. Their Aunt JJ was the Lead Technical Security Officer assigned to General Colin L. Powell’s travel detail. She was a Foreign Service Specialist in the Diplomatic Security Service, which is the law enforcement and security arm of the U.S. Department of State. How cool! Stop by to see the photos and artifacts on display!
Kindergarten Orientation April 1, 2025 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.Rising Kindergarten students and parents are invited to attend our Kindergarten Orientation. Families will have the opportunity to meet our Principal and our Assistant Principals, along with our Kindergarten Team who will share some ideas for how to prepare your child for school next year.
While parents meet with our staff, the rising Kindergarteners will do an activity in the Kindergarten classrooms and then rejoin parents later.
Kindergarten enrollment is in progress! If you have not enrolled your child for the 2025-2026 school year, please call the office at 571-522-6000 or email our Registrar, Regina Johnson ([email protected]) to schedule an appointment.
Do you know a neighbor with a rising kindergartner? Please encourage them to contact Colin Powell so we have accurate numbers for staffing our classes for next year!
We look forward to seeing you April 1st, 2025 at 10:30 a.m.
AAP SPRING NEWSLETTERPlease look to learn more about AAP and the spring screening that occurs towards the end of this school year.
Every spring, at the end of the year, we conduct our school-based AAP screening for students in K-5. It is best practices to formally screen all students each spring; therefore there is no required permission form in order for your child to be screened. Screening for students in grades K-1 are being screened for subject specific differentiation in a specific content area. Students in grades 2-5 are being screened for both subject specific differentiation and part-time AAP. This includes eligibility for advanced math. These screenings are reevaluated each year based on the most updated data that we have for students.
If you have any further questions, you may reach out to our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher, Mrs. Bach, at [email protected].
April- Month of Military Child Diversity NightJoin us on Friday, April 4 from 6:30-8:00pm for CPES Diversity Night! Families and staff will be setting up displays (some with food samples!) celebrating what makes their family unique. Students will have the opportunity to get stickers at each table to earn a prize at the end of their exploration AND we will have a Diversity Parade (dress in whatever clothing makes you/your family unique)! If you would like to sign up for a display, please do so HERE by March 28.
Diversity Spirit DayWhile we hope to see everyone at Diversity Night in the evening, we will also be celebrating with a Uniquely You Spirit Day on Friday, April 4. Students are invited to dress in their culture’s traditional attire, or whatever clothing makes them/their family unique! Please ensure the outfit is appropriate and adheres to FCPS SR&R
Family Book ClubRing in Spring by joining our family book club! We will be reading The Wonderful Wizard of Oz over six weeks and come together for a movie night after we finish the book. We have space for 45 families to join us this season. Each family will receive a paperback copy of the book. Use this form to sign up by April 4th.
SYASYA is offering summer sports & camps for students starting soon!
13340 Leland Road, Centreville, VA 20120 | Main Phone: 571.522.6000