Colin Powell ES Recognized as a 2023 Purple Star School

CPES is Committed to Supporting our Military-Connected Students and Families

July 29, 2024

Colin Powell Elementary has been recognized by the Virginia Department of Education and the Virginia Council on the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children as a 2023 Purple Star School.

The Purple Star Designation is awarded to military-friendly schools that have demonstrated their commitment to meeting the needs of military-connected students and their families. 

To be recognized as a Purple Star School, schools must meet the requirements in six areas which include having: a designated staff member as the point of contact for military-connected families, a student ambassador program, military family webpage, professional development, division-wide activities, and a central office staff member who serves as the liaison with the school-based point of contact (liaison).

Our school staff ensures our military-connected families feel safe and supported in our school community by providing a system of supports. These supports include welcoming our miliary-connected students with guided tours, partnering them with student ambassadors, and hosting events that recognize our military students and families.

“I’m proud of FCPS’ strong partnership with our nation’s military families to help support the almost 15,000 military-connected students enrolled in our schools,” said Division Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid. More than one-third of FCPS schools, 69, are currently designated as Purple Star Schools. 

“With the help of our Student Ambassadors at schools, military-connected students transitioning to FCPS can feel — really feel — that they belong,” she continued. “And a student who belongs is a student who blooms, socially and academically. These students have much to contribute to our schools and communities by sharing their knowledge, experiences, and friendships. Together, we can support their needs and provide them with a world-class education.” 

Student Ambassadors are peer-led transition teams that bring together military and civilian peers to support all student’s transition and connection to school. A peer-led transition team is a requirement for Purple Star Schools.